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Through strategic planning and an expert builder approach, our clients have managed to get the results they sought after by retaining our consulting services. Take a look at what our company has done in the past, and contact us today.

Construction Consulting Cases

1. Gottesman Residence (Austin, Texas)

12,000 square feet custom home on Town Lake (Austin, Texas).  Potential exposure was in excess of $7,000,000.00.  Retained by HVAC Contractor, All Year Heating and Air Conditioning. Evaluated overall causes of leaks and the extent of microbial and water related damages. Case Settled.

2. Villa’s on Lake Travis (Lakeway, Texas)

Retained by Flashing and metal pan provider.  Potential exposure was in excess of $12,000,000.00.  Performed numerous flood tests, Evaluated extent and cause of all water related damages.  Evaluated original construction details as it related to codes and building practices that existed during the original construction of the project. Produced report, estimates, video and still photography. Case Settled.

3. Epstein Residence (Austin, Texas)

Retained by the General Contractor.  Potential exposure was in excess of $4,000,000.00.  Monitored all testing performed on project.  Performed numerous flood tests, Evaluated extent and cause of all water related damages.  Evaluated original construction details as it related to codes and building practices that existed during the original construction of the project.  Case Settled.

4. Anglin Residence (Bartlett, Texas)

Retained by Homeowners council to identify and estimate mold and water damage caused by plumbing leaks. Produced report, estimates, video and still photography. Case settled.

5. Hollatz Residence (Austin, Texas)

Retained by USAA to evaluate and estimate microbial and water damage to a 4000 to 5000 square foot house overlooking Lake Austin.  Produced report, estimates, video and still photography. Case settled.

6. South Austin Transfer Station (Austin, Texas)

Retained by Masonry Contractor to identified causes and extent of damage to City of Austin owned building caused by water infiltration.  Produced report, estimates, video and still photography. Case settled.

7. Shive Light Industrial Complex (Lago Vista, Texas)

Retained by property owner to evaluate water runoff concerns and damage claims made by a surrounding property owner. Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

8. Gulfside Warehouses (Brownville, Texas)

Retained by Texas Windstorm Insurance Association for appraisal of 13 individual light industrial structures from hail and other causes.  Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

9. Sneed Residence (Austin, Texas)

Retained by homeowner’s insurance company to evaluate vandalism, water and mold damage claims. Case dismissed.

10. Wendel Residence (Hondo, Texas)

Retained by Beacon Insurance Group for appraisal of two individual residences. Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

11. Frisby Residence (Galveston, Texas)

Retained by Beacon Insurance Group to identify and estimate water/mold damage for water front property Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.  

12. Guthery Residence (Austin, Texas)

Retained by homeowner council to evaluate remediation and construction work performed by the general contractor/remediation company.  Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

13. San Diego ISD (San Diego, Texas)

Retained by CNA representing the roofing contractor to evaluate his work on multiple structures, determine actual source, cause and extent of water/mold damage. Prepared estimates for remediation and restoration.  Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

14. Doug Scott Residence (Hutto, Texas)

Retained by homeowner’s council to determine cause of water infiltration, extents of damages caused by water infiltration and then determine the cost of repairs necessary to correct problems.  Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.  Provided deposition, court testimony, produced court video that I described to the jury.  Case was settled during trial.

15. Aguilera Retail Centers (Mission, Texas)

Retained by metal building contractor to determine the actual source, cause and extent of water/mold damage. Prepare estimates for remediation and restoration.

16. Patterson Residence (Corpus Christi, Texas)

Retained by Texas Windstorm Insurance Association to determine the actual source, cause and extent of water/mold damage.  Produced report, video and still photography.  Case settled.

17. Westheimer Apartment Complexes (Austin, Texas)

Retained by Employers Reinsurance Corp to determine the actual source, cause and extent of water/mold damage.  Case Settled. Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

18. North X Northwest Restaurant (Austin, Texas)

Retained by United Fire Group to evaluate construction practices performed by the general contractor regarding the construction of a new restaurant.  Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

19. Sommerset ISD (Sommerset, Texas)

Retained by Mid-Continent Casualty to act as expert regarding general contracting practices regarding construction of a new elementary school. Mold remediation practices and charges regarding remediation of a school building. Remodeling costs, construction practices and betterment determination for a school building.  This case involves the bonding company having to complete certain phases of the construction of a new elementary school due to a failed contractor. (Jurisdiction: Laredo, Texas).

20. Archer Residence (Austin, Texas)

Retained by Builder (Monte Jannsen) to act as an expert regarding general contracting responsibilities and practices, construction repair costs, good and workmanlike construction practices. Prepared videos, estimates and supporting documentation. The case was settled against several subcontractors. The house was eventually torn down. (All complaints were dropped against my client, the builder).

21. San Diego High School (San Diego, Texas)

Retained by the Plumbing contractor to respond to claims that the plumbing was installed incorrectly. Retained as cost of repairs expert.

22. Armbruster Residence (Lakeway, Texas)

Retained by the owner as an expert to oversee moisture proofing of  underground facilities at the residence.  Duties included but were not limited to: Drawing flashing and moisture proofing details, Direct supervision of moisture proofing companies work, Building Envelop testing, Supervision of masonry and other trades, Remediation protocol for water damage repairs, Air Quality testing and clearance of remediation.

23. Lifeport Manufacturing Facilities (Georgetown, Texas)

Retained by the erection/roofing contractor to identify any construction defects and estimate any costs to repair. Produced video and still photography.

24. Dream Estates (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina)

Hired by the Builder to perform a quality inspection and prepare a punch list for a $2,600,000 home that was recently constructed and under contract to be sold. Builder believed that the Buyer was being unreasonable and wanted a third party to evaluate claims of buyer. Produced video, still photography and report.

25. Westminster Manor (Austin, Texas)

Retained as Mold Assessment Consultant to address any mold or air quality related issues as they arise for the retirement home.  200 plus tenants.

26. Cedar Park Public Library (Cedar Park, Texas)

Retained as Mold Assessment Consultant to prepare Mold Remediation Protocol, supervise activities and perform clearance testing.

27. Babcock Elementary School (San Antonio, Texas)

Hired by the insurance company to verify cost of repair claims from the general contractor regarding professional mistakes made by the surveyor.  The foundation of the school had to be relocated approximately 10 feet due to surveying errors.

28. Pedernales Condominiums (Austin, Texas)

Retained by the Erection/Roofing Company to determine if any construction errors were made on their behalf, perform building envelop water tests, assign cause and origin for any damages and  estimate cost of repairs for damages associated with client. Produced report, estimates, video and still photography.

29. Covenant Christian Academy (Georgetown, Texas)

Hired by building owner to determine cause and origin for water damages to the daycare facility.  Project involves water intrusion through wall cavities and project flooding due to off premise development.  Acting as arbitrator between parties to resolve issues out of court.

30. Holiday Inn Express (Georgetown, Texas)

Hired by prospective purchaser to determine extent and cause of microbial growth and water damages to the building.

31. Armbruster Residence (Lakeway, Texas)

Construction Defects Case. Hired by the homeowner to evaluate continuing water intrusion problems after the construction work was completed. Projects includes masonry, moisture proofing, windows, stucco, patio tile, plumbing, railings, and microbial remediation.

32. Holland Office Building (Georgetown, Texas)

Water Intrusion Evaluation. Office Complex. Hired by property owner to evaluate cause of water infiltration, extent of mold damage and determine necessary repairs. Project includes EFIS, Masonry, moisture proofing, and window installation.

33. Barnard vs Permajack (Red Rock, Texas)

Foundation damage case. We produced inspection, estimates and report. Case involves effects of previous foundation repair, foundation construction, and soil conditions.

34. Bright Star Daycare Facility (Cedar Park, Texas)

Roofing Defect Case. Project includes Standing seam metal roof, flashing and roof penetrations.

35. Brusky vs Artifacts (Lago Vista, Texas)

Construction Defects Evaluation. Hired by the general contractor to determine if the work completed was performed in a “Good and Workmanlike Manner”. Project includes evaluating claims made by the home owner and to prepare a cost of repair.

36. Cadena-Reeves Justice Center (San Antonio, Texas)

Injury Case.  Hired by the insurance company to evaluate why the suspended stucco ceiling collapsed during expansion of the Justice Center.

37. Cantu vs Silverstone (Austin, Texas)

Injury Case. Hired by property owner to evaluate plumbing system and building code requirements.

38. Charlie Clark Nissan (Harlingen, Texas)

Construction defect case. Hired by Car Dealership to investigate water intrusion and structural problems. Produced Report, Inspections, and Estimate.

39. Convict Hill Apartments (Austin, Texas)

Building Defects and Water Intrusion Evaluation. Hired by the property owner to evaluate building concerns and suggest proposed repairs and estimate cost of repair. Case involves stucco, moisture barriers, flashing ground water and microbial damage.

40. Criminal Lawyers Association (Oak Hill, Texas)

Building Defects and Water Intrusion Evaluation. Hire by property owner to evaluate building concerns and suggest proposed repairs, estimate cost of repairs and then repair. Case involved masonry, moisture barrier, stucco, EFIS, window installation and microbial damage.

41. Del Sol Restaurant (San Antonio, Texas)

Foundation damage case. Produced Inspection, estimates and report. Case involves plumbing, soil conditions, tree roots related to foundation and resulting damages.

42. Dream Estates Construction (Myrtle Beach, Florida)

Quality of Construction Evaluation. Hired by the builder to evaluate the necessary scope of work to comply with “Good and Workmanlike” standards for upper end custom homes.

43. First United Church (Houston, Texas)

Water Damage Restoration Evaluation. Hired by the General Contractor to evaluate methods and procedures used to dry and repair damage from water leak.

44. Forum Shopping Center (Austin, Texas)

Foundation Failure. Hired by the landlord to evaluate the extent of damage to the foundation, evaluate the cause of damage and prepare a scope of necessary repairs.

45. Foundation Surgery Center (New Braunfels, Texas)

Construction Defects Evaluation.  Hired by the general contractor to evaluate certain claims made by the plaintiff. Case involves moisture barrier, masonry, microbial growth, roofing, flashing, HVAC, and site work.

46. Foundation Surgery Center (Seguin, Texas)

Construction Defects Evaluation. Hired by the general contractor to evaluate certain claims made by the plaintiff. Case involves moisture barrier, masonry, microbial growth, roofing, flashing, HVAC, and site work.

47. Fountain vs. Vo (Jonestown, Texas)

Ground Water Drainage Evaluation. Hired by the home owner to evaluate erosion concerns of the adjacent home owner, determine cause of the erosion, prepare recommendations for the necessary corrections and produce a cost of repair.

48. Globe Grocery Warehouse (McAllen, Texas)

Construction Defect case. Hired by the property owner to inspect warehouse for compliance with local building standards.

49. Gulfside Warehouses (Brownsville, Texas)

Add to the existing that we acted as an appraiser in appraisal process.

50. Highland Retreat vs. Church (Spicewood, Texas)

Fire Investigation. Hired by the Church to evaluate the cause of fire and estimate cost of repair. Extent of repairs include foundation, pre-engineered metal building, windows, doors, interior finishes, fire system, plumbing, electric, HVAC, and masonry.

51. Hodes vs. Builder (Austin, Texas)

Construction Defects Evaluation. Hired by the home owner to evaluate foundation failure and other work unsatisfactorily completed by the general contractor. Case involves foundation soil compaction, ceramic tile installation, roofing, flashing, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and fireplace installation.

52. Holiday Inn vs. General Contractor (Laredo, Texas)

Water intrusion and Construction Defects Case: Hired by the general contractor to determine the extent and cause of damages due to water infiltration into the building. Sources evaluated included masonry, stucco, windows, groundwater, HVAC, Plumbing, roofing and flashing. Hired to determine if the procedures and methods used by the general contractor to build the building were in accordance with acceptable practices used in the construction industry. Prepared complete report, assignment of responsibilities, estimate of repairs and an assignment of costs attributable to responsible parties. Mold assessment was included in this project.

53. Hrbacek vs Company (Lagrange, Texas)

Hired by the HVAC company to determine the cause of damages claimed by the home owner. Determine if the work performed by the HVAC company was performed in a "Good and Workmanlike manner and determine the extent of damages that may have been associated with the elevated moisture conditions in the home. Prepared a report and estimate of repairs.  

54. JL Love vs. Ranger Excavation (Leander, Texas)

Property Damage. Hired by homeowner to determine the cost of repairs associated with damage caused by the vibration from excavation equipment during the construction of a road in front of subject property.

55. Jones vs. Villanova (Austin, Texas)

Fire Investigation.  Hired by painting subcontractor to determine scope of damages caused by a fire which reportedly started from lacquer soaked paint rags in the kitchen. Produced cost of repairs associated with the fire.  

56. Kennedy Elementary School vs. Williams Insulation (Mercedes, Texas)

Water Intrusion and Mold Evaluation. Hired by the moisture proofing company to determine the cause of water intrusion into the school, determine the scope of damages associated with the water intrusion and estimate the repairs associated with the water intrusion. Case involves masonry, roofing, flashing, window installation, and microbial growth.  

57. Kessler Residence (Austin, Texas)

Construction Defect Evaluation.  Hired by the home owner to determine if the work completed by the general contractor was completed in a "Good and Workmanlike" manner. Evaluate the extent of damages caused by water intrusion, into the home. Evaluate the sources of water damage. Evaluate the extent of foundation failure, determine the cause of the foundation failure, prepare a scope of work to repair all deficiencies in the residence and then prepare a cost of repair.

58. Kingsville Memorial Funeral Home (Kingsville, Texas)

Construction Defect Evaluation.  Hired by the framing subcontractor to determine the cause of water intrusion, cause and extent of foundation failure and any associated damages that may be related to the framing contractor.  

59. Maisel Residence (Austin, Texas)

Plumbing Failure. Hired by the homeowner to determine the cause of water intrusion and resulting foundation damage. Determined that there was a plumbing failure. Prepared scope of work to repair the plumbing lines and foundation damage. Supervised the repair of the plumbing system and foundation. Microbial remediation was included in this project. Project complete.

60. Martin vs Chase Carpets (Austin, Texas)

Hardwood flooring installation evaluation.  Hired by homeowner to determine cause of floor failure. Moisture content of concrete foundation was improperly evaluated for moisture prior to installation. Floors had to be replaced.  

61. McKenna Hospital (New Braunfels, Texas)

Hired by General Contractor to evaluate extent of microbial damage and source of moisture causing problems.

62. Mercedes Early Childhood Center vs. Williams Insulation (Mercedes, Texas)

Water Intrusion and Building Defects Evaluation: Hired by the moisture proofing and insulation company to evaluate the cause of water intrusion and determine if the insulation was installed in a "Good and Workmanlike" manner.  

63. McKnight Residence (Austin, Texas)

Water Intrusion, Rodent damage and Mold.  Hired by the home owner to determine the source and cause of water damage to the residence. Determine the source of rodent infestation Prepared a scope of work, a cost of repair and supervised all repairs. Project involved roofing, flashing, windows, EIFS and plumbing. Microbial remediation was included in this project.

64. Mercedes High School vs. Williams Insulation (Mercedes, Texas)

Hired by Moisture Proofing contractor to evaluate water intrusion claims. Case involves moisture proofing, flashing, masonry and roofing.

65. Monte Vista Apartments (Austin, Texas)

Injury Case.  Hired by the apartment complex to determine if the handrails were installed according to building codes in place during construction of the project. Project was outside any city limits at the time of construction.

66. Moss vs. Roofer (Austin, Texas)

Water Intrusion. Hired by the roofer to determine the cause and extent of water damage to the residence. Case involved masonry, stucco, windows, roofing and flashing.  

67. Munday vs. Design Werks (Lakeway, Texas)

Construction Defects Case: Hired by the general contractor to evaluate claims made by the homeowner regarding water intrusion and microbial growth. Case involved moisture proofing, swimming pool, pool surround, railings, stucco and flashing.

68. Nallewood vs Chase Carpets (Austin, Texas)

Construction Defects Case: Hired by plumbing company to determine the cause of leaks to shower pans throughout the complex. Inspected numerous apartments, destructive investigation, plan evaluation then prepared a report.

69. One2One Night Club vs Rodriguez (Austin, Texas)

Construction Defects and Water Intrusion Case: Hired by the general contractor to determine if the work was installed in a "Good and Workmanlike" manner. Case involved flashing, roofing and carpentry.

70. Oski’s Convenience Store vs Insurance (Lago Vista, Texas)

Appraisal of Hail Damage: Hired by Insurance Company and Property Owner to act as Umpire in "Appraisal Process" offered through insurance policy: Evaluated claims from property owner, evaluated offers from insurance company, Prepared settlement agreement, requested rebuttal of settlement agreement from both sides, orchestrated negotiation of insurance claim with both parties present. Both parties came to mutual agreement and signed negotiated settlement agreement.  

71. Pearce vs Audio Visual (Austin, Texas)

Water Intrusion Case: Hired by audio visual company to determine extent of damage, cause of water intrusion into the residence and cost of repairs. Case involved masonry, moisture barrier, stucco, windows and flashing.

72. Pharr Court House and Police Station vs General Contractor (Austin, Texas)

Water intrusion and Construction Defects Case: Hired by the general contractor to determine the extent and cause of damages due to water infiltration into the building. Sources evaluated included masonry, stucco, windows, groundwater, roofing and flashing. Hired to determine if the procedures and methods used by the general contractor to build the building were in accordance with acceptable practices used in the construction industry.  

73. Plaza 183 Shopping Center (Austin, Texas)

Hail Damage and Renovation Project. Evaluated extent of damage associated with hail storm, prepared scope of work, designed esthetic improvements and prepared estimate to restore and upgrade shopping center. Supervised improvements. Project involved stucco, roofing, gutters and downspouts, signage and moisture proofing.

74. Southwest Bank vs Insurance Company (Houston, Texas)

Hurricane Ike, Storm Claim. Hired by Insurance company to evaluate claims from storm damage. Prepared report and estimate of damages.

75. St. Tropez Condominiums (Austin, Texas)

Water Intrusion and Mold Evaluation. Hired by various home owners and the home owners association to evaluate the extent of damages caused by water intrusion and rodent damage, determine scope of repairs and supervise all repairs. Case involved EIFS, flashing, roofing, rodent control ground water and microbial growth.

76. Steiner Ranch Steakhouse (Austin, Texas)

Moisture Intrusion Evaluation. Hired by general contractor to evaluate water intrusion. Determined sources of water intrusion, prepared scope of work and supervised necessary repairs to eliminate moisture intrusion. Project involved roofing, flashing, windows, patio tile and ground water.

77. Sye Beauty School (Houston, Texas)

Hurricane Ike, Storm Claim. Hired by the business owner to evaluate damage from storm. Prepared report and estimated damages. Case involved metal roofing, signage, stucco, block masonry and flashing.

78. Ware Residence-Fresco (Austin, Texas)

Air Quality and Mold Assessment Project. Concerned parents wanted to make sure the conditions of this house were healthy for their 5 college students. Instead of moving to a new location and fighting the landlord in court we agreed that Remediation was necessary and completed.

79. Wegner Residence (Holland, Texas)

Foundation and Plumbing defect case. Hired by plumbing company to determine the extent and cause of damages. Case involves plumbing, soil stabilization and ground water.

80. Yardley Residence (Harlingen, Texas)

Construction Defect Arbitration. Hired by the home owner to evaluate if the construction performed at the residence was performed in a "Good and Workmanlike" manner. Case involved moisture barrier, siding installation, Fypon installation, roofing, sheetrock, painting, carpentry, electrical, HVAC and site work.

81. Pecan Springs (Austin, Texas)

Retained by homeowner to perform a water test on the balconies, determine the location of the water intrusion, create a estimate for repairs, and write a report to document everything.

82. Sunset Valley FEMA (Sunset Valley, Texas)

Retained by the homeowner to research construction options for building and remodeling their property in the Floodway Zone. I met with City officials and researched other properties in the area to make a recommendation based on the options they have and the value of their home.  This is an aging in place construction design.

83. Cedar Park Cost Evaluation (Cedar Park, Texas)

Hired by the homeowner to evaluate the cost of their project and provide design services to source construction items and materials based on their budget and taste. Provided a construction estimate and a design board and packaged it up for them to move forward when their budget allowed.

84. Terry Town Structural (Austin, Texas)

Hired by the homeowner to evaluate the concrete and framing of a remodel project. Determined engineering plans were not followed and the framing needed to be repaired.

85. Georgetown New Construction (Georgetown, Texas)

Hired by the homeowner to design construction elements based off their pictures. Worked with a cabinet company to produce drawings and estimated the project.

86. Steiner Ranch Water Leak (Austin, Texas)

Hired by the homeowner to water test and evaluate the source of a water leak in their home. Determined water was coming in at the stucco to window intersection.

87. Cat Mountain Construction Cost Evaluation (Austin, Texas)

Hired by the owner to evaluate the cost of a home remodel and addition. Sourced materials based on their direction and budget and  provided a estimate and all copies of bids. This allowed the client to make a decision to stay and remodel their home or put the house on the market.

88. Spicewood Builder Dispute (Spicewood, Texas)

Hired by the homeowner  but worked directly with their attorney to evaluate the build out of a brand new home. The driveway was showing premature failure signs and needed to be core tested. A section of it was removed and repaired for failure to properly prepare the subgrade. The siding, trim, paint and wood floors were also evaluated during this project.

89. Barton Hills Real Estate Dispute (Austin, Texas)

Hired by the homeowner to help evaluate a water leak and document the demolition of the masonry on his house to find the source of the water leak.

90. Turner Residence (Brownwood, Texas)

Hired by the attorney to evaluate the code and construction defects on a new residence. Estimate and scope of work to make the repairs were provided.

91. Ravello Ridge (Austin, Texas)

Retained by the homeowner as a construction expert to observe the deconstruction of his house. Buyers believed that the sellers disclosure did not contain the proper notification of a prior leak. After investigation it was determined that the water was coming in from an improperly flashed section of the roof.


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